Most people, kids included, feel better when they smile – and rightfully so. Science proves that smiling or laughing provides multiple benefits to overall health at any age. Here are four important reasons smiling is good for you:
Increases Confidence – A healthy smile can make you feel more confident. If a person isn’t happy with their smile or self-conscious about their teeth, they will often try to hide it. They may look down or avoid eye contact because they're embarrassed. A healthy smile eliminates the need to hide and radiates confidence.
Makes You Happier – Smiling or laughing not only helps you appear happier, it actually makes you feel happier. There’s a lot of scientific research behind this, but the simple fact is that when you smile you release endorphins, which have many positive physical effects. The interesting thing is that you can actually trick your brain on this one. Even if you don’t feel happy, faking a smile can trick your brain into thinking that you are. It doesn’t know the difference. So go ahead, try it! Smile, even if you have to fake it. You’ll be happier for it.
Physical Benefits – Smiling has numerous physical benefits. In addition to the endorphins people release, studies show that smiling can also help lower blood sugar and blood pressure, reduce stress, boost immune systems, and release natural painkillers and serotonin.
Draws Others to You – A smile often puts others at ease. It makes you more approachable, and others feel they can relate more easily. This is a benefit at any age, whether at school, work, or in social settings. People are drawn to those who smile and laugh. Louis Armstrong was on to something when he sang, “When you’re smiling the whole world smiles with you.”